Aluminum Cans: The Sustainable Packaging Choice – Part 4
According to a new report released by the Aluminum Association, Can Manufacturers Institute (CMI) and Institute of Recycling Industries (ISRI), aluminum cans are today the most recycled and highest value beverage container on the market today. The new report was released ahead of the Memorial Day weekend – the unofficial start of summer, during which time can shipments typically increase by as much as 20% over other months.
In the fourth of a series of entries, we’ll take a look at how the aluminum can is impacting recycling today.
The Value of Recycling
The study shows aluminum can scrap is worth $1,491 per ton versus $385 per ton for plastic and $0 per ton for glass. The high value of material for aluminum helps make municipal recycling programs financially viable and effectively subsidizes the recycling of less valuable materials in the bin.
(Imagery courtesy of the Aluminum Association)